
Ihr habt bei unseren Teilnehmer die Begeisterung fürs Thema Coding entfacht. Vielen Dank. Habt ihr super gemacht!

Tanja Kretz, Training Manager, Goldbach

The Women in Tech Bootcamp with M21 gave me a huge confidence boost. I feel more competent in my daily work to not only understand technical elements, but also to help translate problems into value-adding digital solutions. I also feel a greater sense of connection to my work, as I am more respected by my IT colleagues. I am now equipped with a solid technical foundation for a successful digital career.

Amy Vogel, PMO - IT Learning & Adoption Services

In my everyday live I am surrounded by developers. Master 21 helped me to understand their needs, their way of thinking and their problems. I do not want to become a programmer, but I really enjoyed coding during these two days. The coding weekend gave me insights and hands on practice in a fun way.

I now totally get the fascination of code and understand why developers have the patience to work on one single solution for ages. It took me forever to find the fault in my code ;) I felt like a unicorn when the magic happend and my code transfered to an actual landing page - only for this feeling it is worth going.

Jenny Zehnder, Lead Marketing and Communication

Coding always seemed like rocket science to me - until I joined the Women in Tech Bootcamp taught by Master21. The training was a great experience and I learned so much to help me communicate better about IT-related projets. Yet the main lession I learned for both business and life was to overcome my reservations to approach new topics with more confidence. The cherry on top was to do this whilst meeting this group of amazing, inspiring women.

Katherina Giese, Financial Advisory

Das Coding Bootcamp klingt bei mir immer noch nachhaltig nach. Die Woche gibt einen guten Einblick in die vielen Sprachen, deren Existenz zu kennen eigentlich allgemein Wissen sein sollten. Wir haben hands-on ein paar davon anwenden können und erste Schritte an der Lernlaufhilfe gewagt. Es hat richtig Spass gemacht!

Noemi Rom, Senior Business Consultant Customer Experience

Nochmals ein grosses Dankeschön an Chanel, welche die doch eher ‘trockene’ Materie, insbesondere das Coding betreffend, äusserst spannend und mit viel Passion vermittelte. Ihr habt da ein super Produkt geschaffen!

Tamara Manser, Project Management / Executive Assistant

100 von 100 Punkten! Die Master21 Lehrer und Coaches sind super auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse unserer Mitarbeiter eingegangen und haben sie dort abgeholt wo sie standen. Wir würden sofort alle wieder teilnehmen.

Angela Francioli, HR bei Rod Kommunikation

Master21 taught me the skills to be creative with code. Now my product ideas are no longer just ideas, I can actually prototype, test and create them. Coding is of course still a challenge, but seeing the results is rewarding and fun.

Gregor Martius, Environmental Scientist & Full Stack Web Developer

Als Innovationsstiftung mit vielen digitalen Projekten und Handlungsfelder interessieren wir uns sehr für Computational Thinking. Obwohl davor einige skeptisch waren, sind nach dem Inhouse Training alle sehr begeistert. Die Kursleitung und die Praxisbeispiele waren super. Nun haben alle Teammitglieder immer wieder Ideen und sehen Potential, was wir im Arbeitsalltag mit ein paar Zeilen Code automatisieren und verbessern können.

Dr. sc. nat. Pascale Vonmont, CEO/Direktorin Gebert Rüf Stiftung

Code Week gave me a real boost – I’m able to speak more «tech-lingo» while talking with the developers of my client. The team realized the uplift of my technical skills and the quality of exchange significantly put us all to the next level for the projects. It’s even more fun working together now! Next: a 3-month coding bootcamp, yay :-) Thank you Master21 and coaches for firing up my initial motivation.

Salomé Fässler, Managing Partner, Montemedia AG

Had a great week learning to speak tech, making first steps in coding, demystifying a lot of concepts, buzzword, and had a lot of fun whilst doing it! Can only recommend it to anyone working with programmers or other IT background or anyone who has always been curious and wants an in.

Charlotte Claesson, Netlight AG

In times of digitization and transformation, digital skills are key for our work and daily life. Master21 teaches the digital language - coding - in a practical way with a touch of theory. Knowing basic skills of coding is freedom and makes independent. The codeweek gave me insights how to approach technical challenges and broadened my interest in tech.

Aileen Zumstein, Founder and CEO of aizu

Master21’s codeweek gave me a great introduction and overall foundation to continue building upon. Fantastic team of organisers & coaches and a wonderfully supportive learning environment.

Rahel Weiss, Freelance Photographer

This was the best damn course I did in 20 years. I absolutely loved the hands-on session which gave me the needed confidence to start coding my own ideas. Technical stuff doesn’t intimidate me as much anymore.

Bettina Rotzetter, Health ICT Development/Compliance Manager, Entrepreneur and Singer-songwriter

The bootcamp was a great stepping stone. I did not only learn a programming language but gained a general better technical understanding. It helped me grow professionally.

Romeo Caldelari, Electrical Engineer and vineyard owner

In a rapidly digitizing world, having some basic tech skills and understanding of coding is essential to understand the world we do business in and the people we collaborate with. Master21 provided me with a very holistic introduction to programming and the toolkit necessary to independently translate imagination into code.

Jessica List, CFO of Ringier Africa & Asia

After the bootcamp I understand complex technical topics even better and I feel confident to continue coding by myself. It was a great start into technical independence.

Büsra Coskuner, Product Manager at Doodle

Master21 was a fundamental step forward. I am no longer afraid of coding. The bootcamp gave me the confidence to keep on learning and exchanging my knowledge with others every day.

Besiana Bandili, Art director turned Interaction Designer

The graduates

Our 350+ alumni are passionate about life-long learning and want to make an impact. They love to shape their business and interact competently with the key players.

Some of our customers and students